Judd-Ofelt and Combinatorial Judd-Ofelt analysis
- Modul description
- Theory
- The LOMS online software
- Step-by-step guide
- JO Module – Templates and Reference files
5. JO Module – Templates and Reference files
Instructions for template files:
- General note: Calculations of all mentioned quantities are described in detail in our study []. Please see this main text before the first use of this JO analysis module. The procedure below describe the structure and capabilities of structured .csv file, however all information/data can be directly typed into the graphical user interface at www.loms.cz/jo. The .csv input file is provided for better data management and sharing within the researchers.
- Refractive index: modify the “ref_index_type” cell accordingly to input data type: (1) “sellmeier” for refractive index described via A, B1,B2,C1,C2 Sellmeier parameters, (2) “direct” for direct refractive index input, which has to be placed for all involved transitions in the corresponding row in the column labelled as “refractive_index”. If you would like to use one constant value of the refractive index for all transitions to successfully calculate transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes, please insert n2 value in the cell designed for Sellmeir parameter A and leave other Sellmeier coefficients as zero (B1=B2=C1=C2=0).
- Input data type: modify the “input_data” cell accordingly to input data type: (1) “sigma” for integrated absorption cross section in (cm2.nm), (2) “fexp” for the experimental oscillator strength or (3) “sexp” for the experimental linestrength in (cm2). If you would like to calculate transition analysis from the known JO parameters, then supply JO2, JO4 and JO6 in the ground state U2, U4 and U6 cells. For successful JO analysis, you have to provide at least 4 transitions.
- Square matrix elements (SME): the SME elements are provided for each transition from the ground state to one of the upper states. Their use is at your own risk and we recommend that you check them with other sources. The SME can be edited directly in LOMS graphical user interface (GUI) or changed in the input .csv file.
- Mean peak wavelength: provide
- )
- InstructionsPlease modify the “ref_index_type” cell accordingly to input data type as 1) “sellmeier” for refractive index described via 1
Blank template:
Er template
Reference files:
1) Hrabovsky (2024) - 80TeO2-5ZnO-15BaO:Er (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Hrabovsky (2024) - 80TeO2-5ZnO-15BaO:Er (download all files)
- Input .csv: Hrabovsky (2024) - sigma , Hrabovsky (2024) - fexp , Hrabovsky (2024) - sexp , Hrabovsky (2024) - JO
- Output files: Hrabovsky (2024) JO , Hrabovsky (2024) Combinatorial JO , Hrabovsky (2024) Transitions
- Notes: Seven transitions, Input: sigma, fexp,sexp, JO parameters,refractive index - Sellmeier coefficients, mean wavelengths, Barycenters. Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (Combinatorial JO analysis (64 possible combinations of absorption bands) and estimated transition probabilities.
- Input .csv: Strizik (2014) - sexp
- Output files: Strizik (2014) JO
- Notes: Four transitions, Input: linestrength values, Output: JO parameters, refractive index not included in the input file
Blank template:
Dy template
Reference files:
1) Cavalli (2002) - YVO4 (download all files)
2) Kaminskii (2002) - alpha-KGd(WO4)2 (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Cavalli (2002) - YVO4 (download all files)
- Input .csv: Cavalli (2002) - fexp
- Output files: Cavalli (2002) - JO , Cavalli (2002) - Combinatorial JO , Cavalli (2002) - Transitions
- Notes: Eight combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: fexp, provided constant refractive index (n=2.02) for all transitions. For calculation of transition probabilities, the value of refractive index is defined via Sellmeier formula, where A=n2 (A=4.0804). Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (163 possible combinations of absorption bands) and transition probabilities.
2) Kaminskii (2002) - alpha-KGd(WO4)2 (download all files)
- Input .csv: Kaminskii (2002) - Sexp
- Output files: Kaminskii (2002) JO , Kaminskii (2002) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Thirteen combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: sexp Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (8 514 possible combinations of absorption bands).
Blank template:
Ho template
Reference files:
1) Walsh (1998) - LiYF4(download all files)
2) Walsh (2006) - Y3Al5O12 (YAG)(download all files)
Reference files:
1) Walsh (1998) - LiYF4(download all files)
- Input .csv: Walsh (1998) - fexp
- Output files: Walsh (1988) JO , Walsh (1988) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Thirteen combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: Sexp Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (8 514 possible combinations of absorption bands)
2) Walsh (2006) - Y3Al5O12 (YAG)(download all files)
- Input .csv: Walsh (2006) - fexp
- Output files: Walsh (2006) JO , Walsh (2006) Combinatorial JO , Walsh (2006) Transitions
- Notes: Twelve combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: Sexp, refractive index - Sellmeier coefficients, mean wavelengths, Barycenters. Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (3 797 possible combinations of absorption bands) and transition probabilities.
Blank template:
Nd template
Reference files:
1) Walsh (2002) - Y2O3(download all files)
Reference files:
1) Walsh (2002) - Y2O3(download all files)
- Input .csv: Walsh (2002) - sigma , Walsh (2002) - fexp , Walsh (2002) - Sexp
- Output files: Walsh (2002) JO , Walsh (2002) Combinatorial JO , Walsh (2002) Transitions
- Notes: Nine combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: sigma or fexp or Sexp, refractive index described via Sellmeier formula, meanwavlength and Barycenters Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (382 possible combinations of absorption bands)
Blank template:
Pm template
Reference files:
1) Shinn (1988) - 65PbO-20P2O5-6 In2O3 (PIP) glass (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Shinn (1988) - 65PbO-20P2O5-6 In2O3 (PIP) glass (download all files)
- Input .csv: Shinn (1988) sexp
- Output files: Shinn (1988) JO , Shinn (1988) Combinatorial JO , Shinn (1988) Transitions
- Notes: Seven combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: Sexp, provided constant refractive index (n=1.76) for all transitions. For calculation of transition probabilities, the value of refractive index is defined via Sellmeier formula, where A=n2 (A=3.0976). Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (64 possible combinations of absorption bands) and estimated transition probabilities.
Blank template:
Pr template
Reference files:
1) Merkle (2017) - RbPb2Cl5 (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Merkle (2017) - RbPb2Cl5 (download all files)
- Input .csv: Merkle (2017) - sexp
- Output files: Merkle (2017) JO , Merkle (2017) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Seven combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: Sexp Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (64 possible combinations of absorption bands)
Blank template:
Sm template
Reference files:
1) Manjunath (2018) - Sr2SiO4 (download all files)
2) Budchicha (2023) - TeO2BiCl3 glass (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Manjunath (2018) - Sr2SiO4 (download all files)
- Input .csv: Manjunath (2018) - Sexp
- Output files: Majunath (2018) JO , Manjunath (2018) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Six combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: sexp Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (22 possible combinations of absorption bands)
2) Budchicha (2023) - TeO2BiCl3 glass (download all files)
- Input .csv: Budchicha (2023) - fexp
- Output files: Budchicha (2023) JO , Budchicha (2023) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Seven combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: fexp values accompanied by provided constant refractive index (n=1.76) for all transitions. For calculation of Sexp and transition probabilities, the value of refractive index is defined via Sellmeier formula, where A=n2 (A=3.0976), Output: JO parameters, combinatorial JO analysis
Blank template:
Tb template
Reference files:
1) Vasyliev (2013) - LiTbF4 (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Vasyliev (2013) - LiTbF4 (download all files)
- Input .csv: Vasyliev (2013) - sexp
- Output files: Vasyliev (2013) JO , Vasyliev (2013) Combinatorial JO
- Notes: Thirteen combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: Sexp Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (8 514 possible combinations of absorption bands)
Blank template:
Tm template
Reference files:
1) Walsh (2006) - Germanate glass (download all files)
Reference files:
1) Walsh (2006) - Germanate glass (download all files)
- Input .csv: Tm Walsh (2006) - sigma , Tm Walsh (2006) - fexp , Tm Walsh (2006) - Sexp
- Output files: Tm Walsh (2006) JO , Tm Walsh (2006) Combinatorial JO , Tm Walsh (2006) Transitions
- Notes: Six transitions, Input: sigma, fexp, sexp, JO parameters, refractive index - Sellmeier coefficients, mean wavelengths, Barycenters (all provided in Walsh JOwin2011 software as reference files). Output: Calculated JO parameters, Combinatorial JO analysis (Combinatorial JO analysis (22 possible combinations of absorption bands) and estimated transition probabilities.
- Input .csv: Bonner (2006) - fexp
- Output files: Bonner (2006) JO
- Notes: Four combined transitions (more absorption bands are in overlap within each other), Input: linestrength values, Output: JO parameters, refractive index not included in the input file
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